The metamodel was defined using an elementary subset of UML, and was supplemented by a set of formal constraints written in the Object Constraint Language ( OCL). 使用UML的基本子集来定义这个元模型,并且通过一系列在对象约束语言中(OCL)正式的强制进行补充。
Has analyzed the construction service government this elementary object establishment process. 阐述了服务型政府的内涵及建设服务型政府的必要性。
The third elaborated the elementary object which the reforming time our country Local authority function transforms constructs the service Local authority. 归顾了建设服务型政府这一基本目的的确立入程。
The elementary school teachers in Pintung County are the object of questionnaires and interviews in this study. 研究对象取自高雄县某国小四年级学生,共十六名受试者。
And on this basis, elementary methods and Lagrange equation within rotational coordinate system have been used to make some calculations on the numerical value of the falling object which slants by east. 并在此基础上用初等的方法和转动坐标系中的拉格朗日方程对落体偏东的的数值进行了计算。
A class library for chemical process simulation possesses many elementary classes, which made it possible to develop a object oriented software. 化工过程模拟类库包含了模拟计算所需要的基本类,它的建立为化工软件资源的重用与共享提供了基础。
Image segmentation is the most elementary and the most important technique in the field of image processing. It is an indispensable tache of any understanding system and dynamic object recognition system. Its purpose is to segment the image space into several significative regions. 图像分割是图像处理中最基本和最重要的技术,是任何理解系统和自动物体识别系统必不可少的一个重要环节,其目的是把图像空间分割成一些有意义的区域。
In "The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life", Emile Durkheim presents good solutions as to how to choose the object of research, how to define concept of research and how to use methods of research. 但应该如何选择研究对象、界定研究概念、运用具体的研究方法,涂尔干在《宗教生活的基本形式》一书中给出了很好的答案。
Modeling method corresponding hybrid elementary structure to each assembly object is proposed. The complexity of model caused by the plurality of assembly components can be effectively avoided. 提出了混杂基本结构对应于单个装配对象的建模方法,有效地避免了由于装配零部件过多给模型造成的复杂性。
An Elementary Analysis on the Relationship between the main Body and the Object of the P.E Teaching 对体育教学中主客体关系的浅析
The basic viewpoints and elementary conclusions are as following: School Examination is a sort of activity that diagnosing, testing and evaluating instruction effects, which was designed and carried out by the school itself according to the demands of the object of School Education and teaching. 学校考试,是根据学校教育、教学目标的要求,由学校自主编制和主持实施的一种诊断、检验、评价教学效果的活动。
The correlative Elementary Motion Detector ( EMD) model relied merely on the object intensity without the need to identify objects. It worked very well even when the moving objects were completely camouflaged in visual scenes. 昆虫复眼的相关型初级运动监测器(EMD)模型仅仅是根据物体的图像强度来检测运动物体的,完全不需要进行物体识别,因而特别适用于检测伪装的运动目标。
Elementary Introduction on Fashion Intention and Object Display 浅谈时装创意与实物表现
On the basis of analysing ownership relations, this text makes an elementary analysis to the legal relations of managing operation of the fund in terms of subjects, object and contents. 在分析所有权关系的基础上,本文从主体、客体和内容的角度对资金管理运作的法律关系作粗浅的分析。
And makes this a point to make elementary research of SOP ( Service Oriented Programming). This dissertation also compares the SOP and the OOP ( Object Oriented Programming). 并且以此为切入点对面向服务的编程模型SOP(ServiceOrientedProgramming)进行了初步研究,与面向对象进行了比较分析。
The second part mainly introduced the elementary theory system of commercial bank's performance management and systematically analyzed and elaborated the definition, object, scope, goal, function, effect and content of performance management. 第二部分主要介绍商业银行绩效管理的基本理论体系,对绩效管理的定义、对象、范围、目标、职能、作用以及框架和内容进行了系统地分析和阐述。
The elementary microstructures of three dimensional scattering object information recorded in holograms 全息图记录三维散射目标信息的基元微观方式
The third part is to design the modal particles teaching to elementary South Korean, including teaching design theory basis, teaching content and object, specific teaching plan and so on. 第三部分是初级阶段韩国学生语气词教学设计,包括教学设计的理论基础、教学的内容和对象、具体的教学方案等等。
Feature is the elementary carrier of model design intent, and the implied feature information within physical object is very important to reengineer solid model accordant with original design representation. 特征是模型设计意图的基本载体,实物样件包含的特征信息对于重建符合设计表达的实体模型具有重要意义。
Based on the elementary knowledge, the mathematic model for the temperature object in the air-conditioned room is proposed in this paper, and its control strategy is studied according to the dynamic characteristic of the temperature object. 本文建立了空调房间温度对象的数学模型,并依据温度对象的动态特性,研究房间温度的控制策略。
We must classify the elementary data item one by one in every user view according to the entity classification of community health information conceptual data model, and then demonstrate them with UML object graph. 要根据社区卫生信息数据模型的实体分类,将每个用户视图中的基本数据项逐一归类,并以UML对象图表示。
This research feels two angles of view from the Estimation and the Number Sense, Take elementary school lower grade students as object of study. 本研究从估算和数感两个视角,以小学低年级学生为研究对象。
Select elementary literacy education strategy as the research object, is based on the following aspects: Language is an important subject that has been recognized as learning other scientific and cultural knowledge base and the basic tools. 选取小学识字教学策略作为研究对象,是基于以下几方面的考虑:语文是一门重要的学科,历来被公认为是学习其他科学文化知识的基础和基本工具。